AI Analysis and Result of the Nikkei Fixing Trade (March 27, 2025)
✅ 本日の仲値前の動き(9:00〜9:55)
Price Action Before the Fixing (9:00–9:55)
- 9:00の始値:150.479
- 9:55の終値:150.473
- 変動幅:-0.6 pips(ほぼ横ばい)
- 特徴:150.470円付近を中心にレンジ推移
Opening at 9:00: 150.479
Closing at 9:55: 150.473
Range: -0.6 pips (mostly flat)
Feature: Sideways range around 150.470
The market showed little direction before the fixing.
Though there were attempts to push lower, they quickly reverted, suggesting that it was best to stay out of the market during this time.

✅ 仲値後の動き(10:00〜11:30)
Price Action After the Fixing (10:00–11:30)
After the fixing, the market initially tested the upper end of the range,
but then reversed and fell to around 150.300.
This reinforces the lesson that entering trades without a clear trend often leads to low-probability setups.

🧠 本日の学びと今後の戦略
Today’s Insights and Future Strategy
- 方向感のない相場ではエントリーを見送る勇気が重要
- サポート・レジスタンスが意識されているかを確認
- 明確なブレイクや初動を捉えてからのエントリーが有効
- Having the courage to skip trades in a trendless market is crucial.
- Always confirm whether support/resistance levels are being respected.
- Entry after a clear breakout or first impulse move is more reliable.
💬 投資の名言(今日のテーマ)
Quote of the Day (Theme of the Day)
「休むも相場」 – 相場に明確な流れがない時こそ、何もしないという判断が最良の行動となる。
“There is a time to go long, a time to go short, and a time to go fishing.”
— Jesse Livermore